Terrific Taos

Hello everybody! I know I haven’t posted in while, but I’ve been skiing, playing soccer, biking, and much more lately. I just received a new GoPro Hero (a small camera that you can mount your head, your bike, surfboard, etc.)in the mail about a week ago in exchange for some chores. So, I have recorded myself skiing and biking. Here are some links to the skiing videos on YouTube and some pictures (these are only three of many videos):

From my view:



From Dad’s view (videoing me mostly):




Here are a few pictures of me and my bike. Just today I went out to the Taos mesa and tried to ride my bike. Unfortunately, my bike and I sank in thawed mud (notice how my wheels are caked in dirt):




Just a few days ago, Dad and I went down to to the Rio Grande Gorge and skipped rocks. I remember when I lost a foam football down the river. I still imagine it floating down the river, ending up in Mexico, and some kids having fun with it and playing with it. I hope that is what happened! Here’s a picture of me in the gorge:


Also, I’ve been playing quite a bit of soccer at Eco Park. Even though it’s February, and some of you guys back in Massachusetts are getting pounded with snow, we are lacking much precipitation here in Taos. Plus, we need some snow for skiing. It hasn’t snowed since last week!:


Lately, in terms of keeping up with my educational curriculum, I’ve been doing a lot of online math and language arts using a system called IXL:

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After a long day of fun activities here in Taos, I usually jump in the hot tub and enjoy Taos’ well-known, gorgeous sunsets. Here are some examples of what we get almost every night:




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3 Responses to Terrific Taos

  1. Margaret Molz says:

    Funny Elliot — I never had any desire to ski and after watching you from your head – glad I didn’t!!! You r having lots of fun & that’s wonderful!!! Must have done lots of chores though!! Love you – be safe ! Xxx aunt margaret

    Sent from my iPhone Margaret



  2. Katie says:

    Wow! Elliot, how fun….watched your video and I felt like I was skiing which made me quite nervous on the moguls, through the trees and up on those jumps!! You are quite the skier…..looks beautiful and even better it doesn’t look crowded. Tell everyone hi for us and keep enjoying your time! Tell your Dad to keep up with you 😬


  3. looks like 4 seasons in a day in Taos. You are so close… yet so far… where do you head to next? we have lots of snow here… we will save some for you!


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